Saturday, January 4, 2014

12 Days of Fitness Challenge - Day 10

We're into 2014, and almost through Catherine Basu's 12 Days  fitness challenge! Here's the link to the Facebook group! Catherine encourages us to move a bit more each day, 'Even if it's just a 10 minute walk!'

Yesterday (day 10) was a moderate day - I'm getting ready for my Reiki Class, so made arrangements (at my church!) to hold it there! I'd intended to use a friend's space, but (YEA) we have too many participating - so I used some MENTAL energy to brainstorm - last minute - where to have it!! 
I generally walk several blocks to work, as our town has a 2 hour parking limit in downtown, so we need to park on one of the streets OUT of that limit area, and there are a few spaces at the edge of a Bank Parking lot we're allowed to use. My favorite spot is the block just North of the Natural Food Grocery, 3 or 4 blocks from my office. Then there's the laundry - I use wheeled luggage, & pull that to & from. 
Yesterday it was 4 blocks each way, AND it was Friday 'logo item' day at the grocery - 10% off if you bring your bag from their store (nice canvas - very sturdy!) or wear a cap or sweat-shirt with the Harvest Fresh logo! Since I'm an old Food-Co-op member, (we sold the business hardware etc to Harvest Fresh in the late 80s, when I was on the board) I LOVE that 10% discount! As a co-op member, we needed to work a set # of hours a week/month for the discount when we shopped; so I tend to shop on the discount days! (Wed: Senior day & Friday) 

Yesterday was a 3 session day - my last client often gets Ashiatsu 'barefoot' massage, but we had less time yesterday, so I used the Hot Stones instead. Ashi is a lovely work out for me, with those bars & more legwork ...

What were you up to ?

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